THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS(IETE)Tel: 24631810 & 43538821, Fax: 24649429, e-mail: sec.gen@iete.orgREQUIRESDy SecretaryConsolidated Emoluments: Rs. 39,753/-(approx)Qualification: BE/BTech in Electronics/Telecommunication/Computer Science(Engg)/IT or equivalent degree or MSc(Physics with Electronics) professionalexperience of at least 10 years out of which 3 years in a Senior Position.Desirable: P G Diploma in Management.Age: 40 years and above.Job Description: To assist Secretary General in day-to-day administrativework, to carry out staff work of routine nature, Accountable and responsiblefor efficient functioning, creation and maintenance of infrastructure andmanagement of EDP activities. Persons with experience in HR Management,General Administration/Maintenance and having worked in EDP environmentwill be preferred.Controller of ExaminationsConsolidated Emoluments: Rs.39,753/-(approx)Qualification: BE/BTech in Electronics/Telecommunication/Computer Science(Engg)/IT or equivalent degree or MSc(Physics with Electronics) professionalexperience at least 10 years out of which 3 years in teaching or as Registrar ofan Educational Institutional. Desirable: M/Tech in Electronics/Telecom/Computer Science/IT.Age: 40 years and above
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Job Description – Responsible for controlling the examination activities e.g.setting and processing of question papers, interaction with academia,maintenance of database, moderation, proof reading, printing and dispatch ofquestion papers to various exam centre.Assistant SecretaryConsolidated Emoluments: Rs.38,925/-(approx)Qualification: BE/BTech in Electronics/Telecommunication/Computer Science(Engineering)/IT or equivalent degree or M Sc (Physics with electronics) with aprofessional experience of at least 7 years out of which 1-2 years in teaching.Desirable: Experienced in conduct and control of examination inUniversity/Engineering College/Diploma College will be preferred.Age: 40 years and above.Job Description: To assist in enrolment of Corporate and Student Members.Carrying out the examination activities e.g. setting and processing of questionpapers, interaction with academia and Govt. agencies, maintenance ofdatabase, moderation, proof reading, printing, packing and despatching and allother activities associated with pre, during and post-examinations phases.Preparing agenda and minutes of Academic Committee and follow up action onthe decisions of the Council/Committee.Conduct of election of variouscategories and organizing technical programmes. Persons with experience inconduct of Graduate/Post Graduate level examinations including paper setting,moderation, printing, distribution of question papers and other exam relatedactivities would be preferred.NOTE:1.Upper age limit is 58 years.2.In the exceptional cases of deserving candidates age criteria may berelaxed.3.Initial contract will be for three years which is generally extended onsatisfactory performance.4.Persons with lesser experience can also be considered at a loweremolument.5.Retired persons with adequate experience will be preferred.Apply to The Secretary General, IETE, 2, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, NewDelhi – 110 003 by 20 Nov 2009 on a plain paper enclosing a copy of resumeand attested copies of the certificates/testimonials and two latestphotographs. Applications without certificates/testimonials will be rejected.
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